Farewell Mattie

The day has come. I can’t believe she’s gone. Sending an adorable, wiggly eight week puppy home is one thing. But sending home a nine month old that you’ve gone through much with, is another.

From her early birth day (Mattie was the most pre-mature baby I’ve ever delivered), with the subsequent extra feedings and constant watch care, losing her three litter mates and knowing she was Pooh’s last puppy, all makes this transition a bit more difficult. I really didn’t think it would be this hard, though. Maybe I’ve steeled my heart knowing it was the best situation all around. But I just walked back in the door from handing her over to her new “dad”. And when I walked in the house, it really hit me.

Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I have babies to keep me busy and life will go on. And I know this is best.

Mattie is getting an awesome home with another Pinewood pup who has been yearning for a playmate. He’s a sweet boy too. A tad bigger than Mattie at twenty-some pounds. I have a feeling the little fourteen pounder will be the boss in no time though 😉

Farewell Mattie! You will always have a special place in my heart.

I’m not going to cry. I’m not going to cry….






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