Waiting list

The waiting list on the website has been updated!

Those that have recently applied were added. Those that were matched with puppies or who I found out during that time, had already gotten a puppy elsewhere have been removed.

I know some of you were worried when you didn’t see your name on the list but no need to worry, I have a hard copy of the master list so you were already added there. Sometimes it just takes me a while to get the website updated. Sorry about the wait.

Please don’t panic if you see a “large” number by your name. Things move faster then most people realize.

Here’s a page that explains what I’m referring to.


And if you don’t know where to find the waiting list this should help.


Also, if you’ve already found a puppy elsewhere or for any other reason you’d like to be removed from our waiting list please email me.

And lastly if you have been through the application process and paid the application fee and do not see your name in the waiting list, please email so I can correct that.

Thank you all for joining us on this journey!

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2 Responses to Waiting list

  1. Darla Finney says:

    It goes much faster than expected sometimes. I was only on your waiting list for a month when you sent out an email that you needed to match some puppies by Sunday. The email went out on a Tues. and I replied and had my sweet Trixie (Payne) by Sunday. I can’t imagine my life without her. She’s such a blessing. So, to those of you on the waiting list check your emails.

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