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Sit down children and let me tell you a story…

Once upon a time, two families of puppy children lived in the wooded forest. They each had their own cabin to sleep, eat and play in. And because in the forest there were wild things and sudden storms that arose, the puppy children had their own indoor potty boxes when they needed to go.

The plump fairy godmother lived around the puppy children and took care of them each day and tucked them into their beds at night. Each morning she brought their puppy porridge for their breakfasts and cleaned out their potty boxes.

The poor fairy godmother, as soon as she cleaned the potty boxes out, one, or two or three of the puppy children would almost immediately need to go potty. And so the plump fairy godmother would clean the boxes again.

But on one special day, one of the puppy children families was going to visit the forest doctor for their puppy check-ups. Because soon, they would be leaving their forest home to go live with their new forever families! It was an exciting time.

The forest doctor wanted the plump fairy godmother to bring a fresh sample from the potty boxes to check for any strange, teeny creatures that the puppies might have inside them. So that morning, the fairy godmother dutifully cleaned the potty boxes early, feed the puppies their morning porridge and waited for the usual sample that would soon fill the boxes again.

And she waited.

And she waited.

Because you see, every other day the puppy children would produce new samples as soon as the plump fairy godmother would clean the boxes out. But alas, on the day that the puppy children were going to see the forest doctor and he she needed a fresh sample, it was not to be.

Thankfully, the wise, plump fairy godmother had collected the freshest looking sample from the morning’s first cleaning and set it aside.

Because fairy godmothers know all about silly puppy children and what happens in the forest.

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