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Contemplating a Cavapoo?

Hey, everyone! If you’ve been thinking about getting on our waitlist for a Cavapoo puppy, now is the time!

Our waiting list is getting really long! Our wait time if you get on now is at least a year plus, depending on what you’re looking for. (If you are set on one color/gender (red/apricot, female is the most requested) or if you’re open to others, the wait times can differ.

So I’ve decided to close the waiting list for an indefinite amount of time. I’d like to get a few litters here and matched before we open it up again.

If you’ve already sent your application and been approved, but have been procrastinating on actually sending in the application fee, now is your chance.  If you’ve been approved and let me know your check is on the way, no worries. You’ll be added to the list.

No, applications will be accepted after August 15th.

Questions? Shoot me an email at

And I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone that has already made the decision to get on our list and go through the waiting process. I know sometimes the wait time is hard and sometimes things take longer than expected. I try to give estimates for those asking how long they’ll have to wait for a puppy. But it’s just an estimate, an educated guess. When we’re dealing with living creatures and we can never predict what they are going to do (when they will come in season, if the male gets the job done, if she gets pregnant, how many puppies she’ll have, how many boys and girls, what colors, etc). You get the picture.

Thank you for your patience during the process. And thank you for entrusting us with raising your next future furry family member! <3


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