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Busy Friday

Yesterday was puppy check-up day!

Hubby helped me load the oldest ten puppies (Treasure and Mercy’s litters) into the truck with all out supplies and off we went for the hour plus drive to the vet. We had a little fussing, but for the most part they rode well.

We made it!

I brought one crate in at a time (we had two with five pups in each one). The first group consisted of Triscuit, Ritz, Cheez-it, Brie and Feta.

First step, smother the tech with kisses! (Brie)

“I is in jail. What did I do wrong? Is this a no-kiss zone?” (Brie)

Feta’s ticker sounds great!

Ritz, hold your licker!

The doctor is watching the clock as she listens to Triscuit.

“Mom, do you really have to take a picture now?! This is so embarrassing!” (Cheez-it)

Gouda, you are holding very still for the doctor!

The second crew.

“Mom! She’s teasing us with a cookie!!”

My, what pretty teeth you have, Blue!

Cheddar is holding very still while the doctor does something he’s never had done before. (Having his temperature taken if you missed the thermometer).

Parmesan’s turn; listen to his heart and lungs, check the ears, get some cuddles and practice being Simba!

A treat for Asiago while he gets his exam.

Then it was time for a potty break before loading up for the long drive home.

And what a view we had on the trip home!



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