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The past few days we’ve done a bit of switching around, moving moms and puppies to different pens as they grow and need more room.

A few days ago Flower and her little crew told me it was time to move! The babies were crawling out the door every time it opened. So they got moved to a small puppy playpen.

Joy’s babies had already graduated to a large puppy pen.

But now it was time for Oakley and her kids to move into a larger one also. So now they’re neighbors in the puppy room.

Oakley’s vacated puppy pen was quickly occupied by Gracie and her big crew. I usually wait until puppies are about three and a half weeks old before they graduate to the playpen, but with the number and size of this litter, it was time for more room.

And since Oakley and her pups went into the other large puppy own, Little Miss LeeLee moves into her own Iris pen.

Which leaves Glory and her growing babes in their large whelping crate and Reba and her new ones in a smaller crate. They will “graduate” later.

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