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Mr NoName

I’m embarrassed to admit that my new Cavalier boy still does not have a name…….

Usually, I find one that I like and seems to fit the puppy much sooner than this. It didn’t help that I was busy trying to get ready to leave and then was gone for almost a week. I had my list narrowed down to a couple of names and was really hoping my husband would help by using one while I was gone. No such luck.

I asked him if he’d starting call the puppy something while I was away and he said that he called him, “Squirmy”. Okay, that’s not real helpful….. (He seems to have weird names for all of them, especially when he can’t remember their real name! Lyric is Lyrnatic, Gracie is Winky, Cajsa is Caustic (lol, her personality is a bit pungent at times)

All of my purebred dogs have fancy names starting with our kennel name “Pinewood” and then a call name (their everyday name). (For instance, Pinewoods Great Expectations is Dickens, Shammy Ice Cream Parti is Sundae. Hope’s registered name is Pinewoods Against All Odds. You get the picture.) I think long and hard about the special name they will get.

I have a whole list of ideas for this guy and I’ve tried calling him several different ones but nothing has clicked yet.

Hopefully, something will soon. For now, we know he is adorable, sweet and loyal. <3

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