Continued training and tips for the new owner

*NOTE* This is an old post from a year ago, but I thought it had some helpful hints for those families getting puppies in the next weeks.

We are wrapping up our last week with Sage’s big bunch of puppies. They go home this coming Sunday. We are continuing to work on potty training and crate conditioning so they have a good start when they arrive at their new homes.

Please be aware puppy parents, even though we are practicing all these things with the puppies, the first few days are always an adjustment and can be noisy and stressful (for humans and adults). The most important points to remember are to be consistent with training, reinforce the behaviors you want to reproduce and ignore the behaviors you don’t want to see continue.

What do I mean by that? Well, if puppy is in its crate with breakfast and just ate (don’t worry if they don’t finish their complete meal at first. They don’t always eat really well when they first arrive at their new home) and it starts fussing, ignore the cries and whines! But as soon as you see puppy settle and be quiet then let them out and give them some love. I find it helpful when crate training puppies to cover the crate with a blanket. It helps them settle faster. And those of you with small children will have an extra challenge. What kid doesn’t want to go comfort his new, crying puppy? But giving puppy attention at that time just reinforces that behavior. Puppy learns if he fusses, he gets attention. Teach your kiddos to wait until puppy is quiet before giving them attention.

For nighttime crating, I give puppy a small blanket and a stuffed animal to cuddle with. (Some puppies find the Snuggle Puppy comforting. Here’s the link

Sometime it also helps to leave a radio or some soothing music playing. If you use essential oils, lavender is safe for dogs and has a calming effect. Make sure you are using a pure essential oil from a reputable company and not something diluted or with added fillers. Lavender oil can be used in a diffuser in the room where puppy is crated. Whatever your do, DO NOT  scoop puppy up and put them in bed with you! You have just wiped out all the training I have put in to get your puppy started for you! Puppy will adjust to his new home, crate and pen. It takes time and patience. It will get easier if you stick to the schedule and routine and don’t give in to puppy’s “demands”.

And setting up that essential Iris pen (or exercise pen) is soooo important for your new puppy! That will basically become their own “room” or space. That’s where puppy is when you aren’t home or even when you are home and can’t actively watch your new puppy. Nobody can watch their puppy 24/7 and it’s important to have safe space for your puppy to hang out. Most people give their puppy far too much freedom at first. Those are the ones who call in a few weeks and say, “I can’t get him potty trained!” Keeping your puppy in its confinement area when you are busy is not mean. You are keeping the puppy safe and giving him every chance to do the right thing. I always have a litter box in the pen with puppy so if I’m busy the puppy can go potty in the appropriate place. And no, it will not confuse your puppy to have a litter box available and also teach it to go outside to potty when you can work on that.

Putting the pen in your living room, family room or somewhere where the family spends time helps puppy to feel a part of the family and gets them used to you leaving the room and coming back in. This helps them see that you leaving and coming back is not a big deal and will help prevent separation anxiety to develop. (Speaking of that, never make a big deal of leaving your puppy, whether it be just leaving them in their pen and leaving the room or leaving the house. And the same goes for when you return (from another room) or return home from work, school or an errand away from the house. When we “hype” up our puppy and make a big deal of going and coming we can just heighten their anxiety and make them think it is a big deal and create separation anxiety in our dog.

And so training and the fun continues with these pups for the rest of the week before their new owners take charge!

Tomorrow we’ll load the gang up for the trip to the vet and their puppy exams. That will be fun with such a big group!

And now for some cute portraits


Oregano~6# 8oz

Fennel~4# 9oz

Tarragon~5# 1oz

Marjoram~4# 5oz

Parsley~5# 14oz

Lavender~5# 5oz

Rosemary 5# 13oz



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6 Responses to Continued training and tips for the new owner

  1. Didi says:

    I know you wont answer but You must have a favorite litter over the years??

  2. Lisa D Greer says:

    This group of pups is just adorable!!! So looking forward to when I could get on the wait list!!!

  3. Claudia Knauss says:

    Such critically important tips and explanations for why we need to do what we need to do to help puppies adjust to a very new situation. Thank you for taking the time to educate.

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