Stage 3~Socialization stage

The prime socialization period for puppies is between three and twelve weeks of age. This is when they are little sponges and can easily learn and absorb so much. It’s also a time when a bad experience can affect a puppy permanently so we need to be aware of what we’re doing and how your puppy is reacting. This period can vary slightly as different individuals and different breeds mature at different rates. (I’ve noticed that the Cavapoos, Poodles, Cavaliers; smaller breeds, tend to mature slower than the larger breeds when it comes to some the of milestones and when we introduce things to them).

But this is where the fun begins!

In the next few “Socialization” pages we will be following Lucy & Dickens 2018 May litter. This will give you an idea of what happens each week during that stage/age. But please be aware what we do and what happens with each litter will vary somewhat, but it will be the same basic things.

We try to give each puppy a good base to start with. And we can’t obviously teach them everything in the first nine to ten weeks that they are here. So that’s where you (the puppy’s new owner) steps in to continue with proper socializing and training.

I need to stop and give a “shout out” to Jane Killian’s Puppy Culture video series and workbook! This lady has been such a blessing to dog breeders with her research and knowledge and willingness to get the information out there to other breeders. A lot of the things we have learned (and are learning) and trying to implement when raising our puppies are from her.

If you’re interested there are a couple of good puppy training books we recommend. You can get them before your puppy comes home and start preparing.

Training books