
I’ve been wanting to make some upgrades in the dog house for a while.

I finally ordered some shiny stainless steel water buckets to replace the plastic ones. These will be so much easier to keep clean and the dogs won’t chew on them like they do the plastic ones. (Yep, they seem to think the plastic edge makes a great chew toy).

The dogs have blankets or beds (depending on the dogs) to sleep on during the daytime and blankets in their crates for nighttime. But sometimes beds get torn up (imagine fluff everywhere) or blankets get gnawed on. Why can’t they just keep things nice?!

So I finally broke down and bought them all Kuranda dog beds. If you’ve never heard of these they’re basically indestructible (and expensive). They have different frames and a variety of covers to pick from. I choose the sturdiest frame and hardiest cover in hopes that the doggie destruction crews will leave them intact.

Hubby has been busy assembling them.

They have been given the “Hope seal of approval”.

I also really wanted a bed for Ben. He’s getting up in age for a large breed dog and a raised bed will be nicer for his sometimes achy joints.

Cajsa trying out Bens’s new bed (with his old comforter).

I think he likes it!

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